Before self-proclaimed “double boomerang” Kate Sykes went to NC State to study Textiles, she attended Page High and lived in Old Irving Park. Following her undergrad studies, Kate worked near Charlotte as a lead apparel designer before returning to NCSU for graduate school and a stint studying in France. She first moved back to GSO in 2015, before moving to Raleigh to work for herself. Now in 2022, she’s returned to her home city and is working for Marie Oliver as the Director of Marketing. Kate calls Greensboro “the Kevin Bacon of cities” and believes “that the six degrees of separation (or sometimes less) are real… I’ve been sat next to someone at a bar in New York, only to find out within a few minutes of conversation that my father dressed the groomsmen at her son’s wedding! Proof that the world is a small place (so be nice).”