Barry Johnson and Ashleigh Greene could have met as high schoolers in Greensboro, but they went to different schools, had different friends and followed different paths. After graduating from Wake Forest and
living in Virginia Beach, Ashleigh briefly moved back. And that is when they met… and made an instant connection.
However, the timing wasn’t right. They were focused on their careers. Barry had started building his barber shop, Dezign Lounge on Battleground Avenue, and Ashleigh was on her way to law school at Washington & Lee University. After working as an attorney in Miami and London, she was ready for a change and wondered: What if?
Ashleigh had lived all over the East Coast, furthered her education and had countless adventures. But still, she thought about Barry and their life together. Luckily, Barry, now the owner of a thriving business, was thinking about his future too. Ashleigh followed her heart back to Barry… and Greensboro. She realized she wouldn’t be giving up big city amenities for love. She found her hometown had grown into everything she was looking for, with one important difference: this is where she’d start her family.