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Alyse Pait Sumner
As a Greensboro native, Alyse only ventured away to attend college at UNC-Wilmington and graduate school at UNC-Chapel Hill. Greensboro has helped raise her and shape how she sees the world, and often how the world sees her. After undergraduate, she was an educator in the public school system for five years, before deciding to return to graduate school to become a Psychologist. Upon graduation from UNC, she moved back to Greensboro to work for the Mental Health Association in Greensboro and started expanding her Greensboro roots. She got married, had two daughters, volunteered, and decided Greensboro was where she wanted her family to be. In 2017, she moved into private practice and was fortunate to open her own practice, Sante Counseling, located in historical Fisher Park.
Returned to Greensboro from Wilmington, NC
- Family Activities
- Women’s Opportunities for Empowerment and Growth
- Mental Health
- Community Resources